Recommendations to instructors for increasing student participation in the Course Evaluation Questionnaires[1]

  • To raise awareness about the Course Evaluation Questionnaires and encourage student participation, explain to your class how important you find the results of these questionnaires and how you benefit from them.
  • During the first few weeks of the semester, share with your students the improvements you have made in your teaching in line with the results of the previous questionnaire.
  • Indicate the relevant week in the course syllabus for completion of the Course Evaluation Questionnaire.
  • Remind your students that the reports of questionnaire results remain fully anonymous, and that you cannot see the results before you submit your grades for the course.  Share the results of a previous report with your class.
  • Automatic messages are sent periodically by the system to students who have not filled out the questionnaires within the specified period.  You can access OBIKAS during this period to view participation rates in each of your classes.  If participation is lower than 50% in the last week of the period, remind students both in class and by e-mail to fill out the questionnaires.
  • You can give your class your own mid-semester evaluation questionnaire.  Seeing the improvements made on basis of the feedback received from mid-semester questionnaires increases student participation at the end of the semester.
  • Mobile friendly OBIKAS-Beta version is now available for student access. You may invite your students to fill in the survey using their mobile devices in class.

[1] Based on views expressed during a series of meetings with students and faculty on Course Evaluation Questionnaires in November and December 2014.