Ders Değerlendirme Anketi soruları 4 ana bölümden oluşur. Birinci bölümde yer alan 5 soruda 1-5 skalasında (5: Excellent, 1: Poor) ders değerlendirilir. Bu sorular:

  1. Clarity of course objectives
  2. Design of the course
  3. Course materials, e.g. textbooks, handouts, e-materials
  4. Effectiveness of course requirements and assignments
  5. Overall effectiveness of the course


İkinci bölümde ise dersi veren öğretim elemanının 1-5 skalasında değerlendirildiği aşağıdaki 10 soru yer almaktadr.

  1. Explanations, use of examples, illustrations and activities
  2. Paying attention to students’ level of comprehension
  3. Encouragement of student participation in class
  4. Effective use of class time
  5. Returning graded exams and assignments without delay
  6. Fair grading of student performance
  7. Fair handling of objections to grades
  8. Availability to help outside of class time (e.g. office hours, appointments)
  9. Overall effectiveness of the instructor
  10. I would choose to take another course with the same instructor (5: Agree, 1: Disagree)


Üçüncü bölüm öğrenci ile ilgili, cevabı çoktan seçmeli 5 soruyu içermektedir.

  1. My attendance %
    • 100-80
    • 79-60
    • 59-40
    • 39-20
    • 19-0
  1. My level of English to follow the course
    • Excellent
    • Very Good
    • Good
    • Adequate
    • Inadequate
  1. My current Grade Point Average (GPA)
    • 4.00-3.50
    • 3.49-3.00
    • 2.99-2.50
    • 2.49-2.00
    • 1.99-0.00
  1. My expected grade in this course
    • AA
    • BA-BB
    • CB-CC
    • DC-DD
    • F
  1. I took this course as
    • a required course
    • an elective


Dördüncü bölümde ise öğrencinin ders hakkındaki ilave gözlem ve yorumlarını yazabileceği bir metin kutusu bulunmaktadır.

Please write your comments and suggestions to this area. They are particularly useful for helping us to improve the level of education at Bogˆaziçi University. None of what you write will be seen by the instructor until after the course grades are submitted. (max. 1000 chars.)